"The Night of Hourriya Rouhi" presented by Sophia Kong Bellydance on 14 November 2015 @ The Gardens Theatre.
Show Production & Organiser: Sophia Kong
Emcees: Don Chew & Yoong Chih
Light&Audio:Catherine Ng & Logan Loh
Event Executives:Patricia Tan,Shirley Chiu,Jaymee Low,Ethan Kong,Van Yuen,Ronson Lai,Nathalie Teoh,May Li,Zi Hao,Marcus Loo, Eddie Loo,Shiu Sum
Performers: Sophia Troupe Hourriya Rouhi,Hourriya Rouhi Junior,Purplelicious, Shirley&Jenny Duet,Connie&Rachel Duet,Shirley Chiu Solo,Solitaire, Solitaire Junior,Emerald Ghawazi,Jenny Wong Solo
Guest Performers: Ling Dance Studio Yuh Ling&Troupes,Hilton Yang&Summer Spring Roll Troupe,Zoe Choomzor&D Orient Fusion Zoul Troupe,Mystical Moves,Jollybelly,Cecilia Teh& Kids Troupe
(Performance photos will be fully uploaded asap....)